General Membership Meeting
Wednesday January 25, 2023 6:00-8:00
Address: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 1244 St. Francis Road, Santa Rosa 95409
TIME/TOPIC PRESENTER 6:00 - 6:30 Social 6:30 - 6:32 Welcome and Call to Order Corey Theune
6:32 - 7:30 Human Trafficking Awareness (Redemption House) Elizabeth Quiroz
7:30 - 7:45 Survey Results Pauline Hsu 7:45- 7:55 Praise Sheet Corey Theune 7:55 - 8:00 Closing Corey Theune
Elizabeth Quiroz is a human trafficking survivor and former foster youth who overcame addiction and incarceration to become a graduate student, and now serves as a Social Worker Investigator. She founded Sonoma Counties' first Human Trafficking support group, and co-facilitates with Lisa Diaz McQuaid.
Upcoming Events:
DIAD/Social: Living Room Bag Stuffing - 05 Feb 2023 @ 11:00am PST
DIAD: Living Room Valentine’s Day Event - 13 Feb 2023 @ 10am PST
Next GMM - 22 Feb 2023 @ 6pm PST via Zoom
Please bring unisex socks/warm hats and toiletries for the Living Room Valentine's Event and purses for Redemption House of the Bay Area.