Developing Women to Do a World of Good

Sonoma Human Race - Team JLNS

  • 13 May 2023
  • 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Old Courthouse Square 4th Street/Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401


Registration is closed

The Human Race is an iconic, community-driven 5k fun run (walk or roll) in Sonoma County.  Bring your children, your dogs, and your family.  Strollers are OK!  Wheelchair accessible.  We will wear our JLNS T-Shirts and walk this as a Team.  Early bird pricing until April 14.  See below.

Afterwards walk around the Community Village, where nonprofits, schools and businesses host family friendly activities at booths.  JLNS will be tabling as well - if you're interested in helping out at the table, please email to sign up. Community Village highlights include a kid zone, local musician and refreshments provided by local vendors.

Early Bird Ticket Prices as follows:

  • Adult 5k, $35 until April 14 … /$45 /$55 race day
  • Youth 5k (13-18) $25 until April 14… $35 /$45 race day
  • Dog walker (max 2 dogs on leash), $40 until April 14… $50/$60 race day

Register HERE for Team JLNS! 

Should you choose to use this as a fundraising opportunity, JLNS is also set up as a beneficiary Nonprofit.  When you register, you can select, "Junior League of Napa-Sonoma" in the drop down menu.

Race Timeline

7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

7:00 a.m. Race Day Check-in Opens

8:00 a.m. 5K Race Starts

8:30 a.m. Free Kids Activities - Until 11 AM

9:30 a.m. Awards Ceremony (Main Stage)

11:00 a.m. Closing — see you next year!


Upcoming events

Who we are

The Junior League of Napa-Sonoma is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism,developing the potential of women and improving communities through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.  Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

What we do

The Junior League of Napa-Sonoma develops projects after careful consideration and research of unmet community need that falls within the emphasis on positively impacting the lives of children and families.  Each project provides initial and ongoing training to the members as well as high-quality service to its clients.

Why join us

Junior League women make things happen; they form strategic partnerships, create innovative programs and raise funds for exciting community initiatives. So what sets Junior League volunteers apart from the rest? They are not only women who want to improve communities, they are women with the training and skills to make it happen!

Junior League of Napa-Sonoma


PO Box 5752, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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